Ecology & Nature programs

A butterfly lands on sunlit flowers
Did you know... you can check out a 3-day pass to Aullwood Audubon Center from Wright Library! Borrow a Doorway to Dayton Museum Pass today.

Programs that make a positive environmental impact


About our programs


Wright Library's Local Ecology series includes book discussions, talks from naturalists and native gardeners, and practical guides on how you can make a difference in your own neighborhood. Find resources that inspire you to have a positive impact on the natural world in your own back (or front) yard.

Follow the development of Wright Library's Native Plant Gardens



Pink native plant with bees

Upcoming Events:

March 23 - Astrophotography with Jack Bernstein. A Wright Library partnership with Dayton Chapter of Hadassah

April 5 - Mysterious Moths: The Darker Side of Butterflies with Jim McCormac

April 8 - Author Talks Online: The Stories, Science, and History of Trees with Smithsonian Gardens Greenhouse Horticulturalist Matthew Fleming

See the Wright Library Calendar


Past Events:







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