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Front of the Wright Library building. A classic brick building with narrow windows on either side of the front door and a black shingle roof
Book covers from the 2025 Choose to Read Ohio booklist.
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Cartoon girl with winter hat and mittens reading a book surrounded by snowflakes


A Long History of Careful Stewardship

Prior to 2008, Wright Library received 80% of its annual revenue from Ohio’s Public Library Fund, with additional local tax support from a 0.94-mill Oakwood property tax levy. Unfortunately, in 2008, Ohio libraries were hit with large decreases in state funding caused by the recession, and Wright Library suffered a significant decline in state revenue that has never been restored. In 2009, Oakwood voters passed a small 0.5-mill levy that helped but did not fully offset the state funding loss.

Revitalization Project: Construction Phases

See the initial plans for Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III below:

Phase I renovation focuses on the library's lower level, which is scheduled to reopen in August 2021. Repairs will address the HVAC, elevator, lighting, and other infrastructure needs. When completed, the lower level will house the children and teens area, audiovisual materials, and an ADA and stroller friendly entrance.