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Wright Memorial Public Library earns a four-star rating in the 2019 Library Journal Star Library Report for the second consecutive year.
Making a difference with homebound delivery service: Wright at Home
Wendy Boucuvalas moved to Oakwood from another Dayton suburb a year ago. No longer driving, she missed her trips to the local library.
Statewide borrowing | Local pickup
Check out books and media from public, university, and college libraries across Ohio with Wright Library's Interlibrary Loan.
Ohio History eBooks in Overdrive
Learn more about Ohio History by checking out this collection of Ohio History eBooks available in Overdrive's The Ohio Digital Library.
Lost Circuses of Ohio by Conrade C. Hinds
Using Hoopla Without a Library Card: Discontinued
In response to pandemic-related library closures in March 2020, Hoopla temporarily offered libraries the option to provide community-wide access to its online digital service on a limited basis. Even without a library card, users could enjoy 2 free check outs of any title - movies, tv shows, music, comics, ebooks, and audiobooks.
Hoopla access without a library card has since been discontinued.
"Free" Bonus Borrows from hoopla
Bounus Borrows from hoopla don't count against borrowing limits. Get bonus eBooks, movies, workouts, TV, comics, and eAudiobooks throughout April.