Dayton Live Preview Sally Sells Seashells (And You Can Too!)

  Dates & times
  • Sat, 04/08/2023 - 3:00pm
  Category Arts & Writing
  Age Groups All ages/special


Join Youth Services in Previewing Dayton's Live Creative Academy's Production of Sally Sells Seashells (And You Can, Too!).

Sally is a kid con-artist who explodes onto a quiet beach town with a get-rich-quick seashell-selling-scheme. For a small fee, she trains the kids on how to sell seashells before the annual summer festival, but plans to skip town with all their money before the big event! Sally becomes torn after meeting a local, Tam, who joins the program eager to help her family. The kids in this little beach town will never be the same as they learn the importance of friendship, honesty, and finding a healthy balance between working hard and having fun.