
List of research database titles, descriptions and links
Use Business Source Premier
Business Source Premier

Company and industry profiles, country and market research reports, and full-text articles from more than 1,100 peer-reviewed business publications.

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Access Computer Source
Computer Source

The latest information and current trends in high technology, covering topics such as computer science, programming, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, information systems, robotics, and software.

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Get Ohio Legal Forms
Legal Forms (Gale)- Ohio

Choose Ohio specific, professionally drafted, specialized documents in legal subject areas including: bankruptcy, bill of sale, contracts, divorce, employment, incorporate, LLC, landlord/tenant, living wills, name change, power of attorney, real estate, taxes, and last will.

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Library access to LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning

Choose from thousands of online courses to learn in-demand skills from real-world industry experts. Professional development, web design, marketing, coding and software skills, audio recording and editing, photography, and more.


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LinkedIn Learning- formerly see LinkedIn Learning has changed to LinkedIn Learning. 


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Access Northstar Digital Literacy
Northstar Digital Literacy

Northstar Digital Literacy is a self-directed assessment and learning tool that covers a variety of technology scenarios for anyone looking to improve their skills with computers, software, or technology. It comes complete with short lessons and practice exercises to improve skills on a number of common computer topics.

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Visit website
Ohio Government Information and Services

The official State of Ohio government site is full of resources for citizens and businesses.

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Visit Ohio Means Jobs website
Ohio Means Jobs

Take practice tests, search for jobs, post your resume.

Practice tests for licensing exams (Civil Service, Allied Health, ASVAB, etc.) and academics (SAT, ACT, GRE, MCAT, etc) are found in the Assessment and Training section. You can use access practice tests anonymously, or register/sign in to save your progress and results.

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Access Reference Solutions from Data Axel
Reference Solutions (Data Axel)

Find addresses, phone numbers, toll free numbers, Web site URLs, financial information, median household income, median home value, and more.

Formerly Reference USA

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Access Small Business Source from EBSCO
Small Business Source (EBSCO)

Offers exclusive full text for many top consumer small business reference books, as well as tools to address many small business topics. Includes business videos, a help and advice section and details on how to create business plans.

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Wall Street Journal Online
Wall Street Journal

3-day pass to Wall Street Journal online. Click the button below, enter your library card number and PIN*, and create a free WSJ account or sign into an existing WSJ account.**

After 3 days, simply come back and activate another pass using the same WSJ account.

*Access is for Wright Library cardholders only; sign-on credentials may not be shared.
** You must either create a account or log in to your existing account.

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