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Front of the Wright Library building. A classic brick building with narrow windows on either side of the front door and a black shingle roof
Watch Live Author Talks Online and view recordings of past talks.  Register at libraryc.org/wrightlibrary
Cartoon girl with winter hat and mittens reading a book surrounded by snowflakes
Icons of codebreaking during WWII

Mobile Printing

Send print jobs straight from your own device to the library's printer. Your print job will be held in the queue until you release it at the payment kiosk.

2 ways to print from your own device

OPTION 1: Upload file

Use our mobile printing website portal at:

Mobile Print Portal

OPTION 2: Email an Attachment

Send your document as an attachment to:

Sample Bequest Language

Thank you for considering a bequest to support Wright Library!

For a specific monetary or percentage bequest in your will or trust:

I give and bequeath (the sum of $___ OR ___% of my estate) to The Dayton Foundation, Inc. to be held and administered as part of the Wright Library Legacy Fund #8939.

For a beneficiary designation or Payable on Death designation for your IRA, banking institution, or investment account, indicate the following on the forms provided by your institution:

Renew your account

An expired card means:

  • the account is temporarily blocked from use.
  • patrons must contact the library to reactivate their card.
  • some patrons may need to provide documentation to renew.

My library card expires?

To help us ensure up-to-date patron records, Wright Library cards periodically expire. This policy was implemented Sept. 2022